Internet Marketing, Inc. has been creating
award winning websites for Alaskan businesses since 1996. We are
a full-service website design, marketing and hosting company specializing
in the creative development of corporate and small business web
sites. Our website designs incorporate the latest search engine
research and site optimization programming to put you in the top
of the search engine "found" list. Development of strategic marketing
goals and planning consultations are an integral part of our design
work on your behalf.
As one of the oldest internet services in Alaska, our years of
experience in providing website design,
directory advertising, hosting, marketing, electronic commerce,
tech support and consulting can help you achieve your business
goals. Alaska Internet Marketing, Inc. can tell you how to best
take advantage of the internet as a powerful new medium of communication.
Our website design / creation work is done on a quoted basis.
However, please see our package deals below which may save you
is a proprietary marketing consortium of interconnected outdoor oriented
directories and cybermalls created and developed by Alaska Internet Marketing,
Inc. to further the interests of it's clients.

DIRECTORIES: Like real estate, the key to the internet
is location, location, location. Location in cyberspace translates
to a high traffic domain name. We offer three different high visibility
directories or cybermalls for Alaskan businesses with great internet
Target Market |
For Shopping (retail services/products)
For Fishing, Hunting & Outdoors Enthusiasts/Businesses
For Tourists / Travel in Alaska
We highly
recommend putting your website into one ( 1 ) or more of these
"directories/cybermalls" as they are intensively marketed by ourselves
and highly ranked by search engines and other directories.
Our flagship
outdoor directory is AlaskaOutdoors.com
and consistently ranks in the top 10 sites for almost anything
to do with fishing and hunting in Alaska. Our flagship Alaskan
shopping directory is AlaskaMall.com.
A listing and link in either directory is a quick way to be able
to be found on the internet. Please review our listing options
Standard Listings: Our basic rates for an advertising
listing (+35 word description) and link to your website in any
one ( 1 ) of the above directories is:
-----UNDER 1 CATEGORY (example - "Sport Fishing")- $150
per year.
-----UNDER 2 or more CATEGORIES (eg."Sport Fishing"
AND "Adventure Lodges")- additional
$75.00 each
per year per added category.
Listings: Bold listings or Gold Starred listings
or addition of small graphic to your listing - $75.00/each
per year.
Sponsor Listings: Featured Business Listing
($435.00 per year) - Your
business name with a description of your services is displayed
in the"Sponsor Listings" area within your region of
the state. These listings are in BOLD and starred plus
listed in the priority received. First in time, first in right.
Your listing is displayed BEFORE any standard listings thereby
increasing your visibility. A link from the listing to your
existing web site is of course also created.
For Discount and Multiple Listing Rates, please see www.AlaskaInternetMarketing.com .
We have teamed with one
of the largest server companies in the world to offer you the most
reliable web hosting service available. Our servers are fast,
secure and dependable, and frankly, that about says it all.
ALL Accounts Include: Super fast multiple T-3 access, Unlimited
FTP accounts, No bandwidth usage charges, Triple data backup, CGI
scripts/bin, Online billing, Redundant backup power and more.
We support: SSL Encryption, E-Commerce Applications, Front Page
extensions, Java, flash, perl, C+, MySQL and mSQL plus more ...
In addition to the below monthly rates, there is a one-time hosting
setup charge of $75.
40 MB Webspace
10 Email Accounts
80 MB Webspace
15 Email Accounts
100 MB Webspace
25 Email Accounts